Aspiring Artists Children's Art Camp Comes to Montreal, Quebec.
After a successful launch last spring in Eastern Canada, Aspiring Artists is coming to Anglophone Montreal. We shall be staging weekend-long educative fun camps in Westmount and Hampstead in Montreal's central-west area, as well as in Pointe-Claire and Beaconsfield, Quebec, on Montreal's West Island, through May and June.
If you have a child who may be interested in this, by all means email us at for more information.
Aspiring Artists takes children from the ages of about eight to about eleven and leads them through the world of art history through activity stations. We also delve into the world of the philosophy of art and representation! All at the elementary-school level, but with a richness that, perhaps, is not always there in standard curricula. Share the word... if you know someone in the Montreal area, or elsewhere in Quebec, eastern Ontario, Vermont, or New Hampshire, then spread our name:
We also have a website (needs updating) that gives some basic idea of what we have done in other parts of Canada:
If you have a child who may be interested in this, by all means email us at for more information.
Aspiring Artists takes children from the ages of about eight to about eleven and leads them through the world of art history through activity stations. We also delve into the world of the philosophy of art and representation! All at the elementary-school level, but with a richness that, perhaps, is not always there in standard curricula. Share the word... if you know someone in the Montreal area, or elsewhere in Quebec, eastern Ontario, Vermont, or New Hampshire, then spread our name:
We also have a website (needs updating) that gives some basic idea of what we have done in other parts of Canada:
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